Providing a safe haven for a stray animal can be a rewarding experience. Whether you’re helping strays temporarily or adopting them permanently, preparing your home adequately is vital. Here’s a detailed guide on how to help homeless/stray animals by making your home a comfortable place for them.

Temporary Sheltering: Helping Until a Better Solution Is Found

1. Create a Safe Space

  • Find a quiet, isolated area in your home for the animal.
  • Lay down comfortable bedding and provide toys to help them feel secure.

2. Provide Basic Necessities

  • Offer fresh water and food.
  • Have a litter box for cats or take dogs outside regularly for bathroom breaks.

3. Check for Identification

  • Look for any tags, tattoos, or microchips that might help identify the animal’s owner.

4. Document Their Stay

  • Take pictures and note any distinctive markings.
  • Post the information on local lost and found pet forums.

5. Health Check-Up

  • Schedule a vet appointment to ensure the animal is in good health and not carrying any diseases.

You can also learn more about different ways to help stray animals in need to maximize your impact.

Adopting a Stray: Making a Forever Home

1. Pet-Proof Your Home

  • Remove any hazards like toxic plants, electrical cords, and small objects that can be swallowed.

2. Provide a Comfortable Living Environment

  • Offer cozy bedding, toys, and a safe space for them to retreat to.
  • Give the animal plenty of space to get comfortable in its new environment. This includes limiting interactions with family members — especially children — and not forcing your pet to do anything until it is comfortable.

3. Assess Temperament

  • Observe Behavior: Watch the stray’s behavior around humans and other animals. Look for signs of aggression, fear, or friendliness.
  • Seek Professional Assessment: If possible, have a professional dog trainer or behaviorist assess the stray’s temperament.
  • Take Your Time: Give the stray some time to adjust to your home before making any judgments, as their behavior might change once they feel more secure.

4. Potty Training

  • Establish a Routine: Take the stray outside to the same spot at regular intervals to encourage potty training.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement: Reward the stray with praise or treats when they do their business outside.
  • Avoid Punishment: Never punish the stray for accidents indoors, instead, redirect them outside and reward successful potty breaks.

5. Introducing to Your Dog

  • Neutral Territory: Introduce the stray to your dog in a neutral territory to avoid territorial disputes.
  • Keep Leashes On: Keep both dogs leashed during the initial introduction for better control.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward both dogs with treats and praise when they behave calmly around each other.

6. Introducing to Your Kids

  • Supervised Interactions: Always supervise interactions between the stray and your children initially.
  • Teach Gentle Touch: Teach your kids to approach the stray gently and to avoid sudden movements or loud noises.
  • Respect the Stray’s Space: Educate your children on the importance of giving the stray some space, especially during eating or sleeping.

7. Nutrition and Health Care

  • Invest in quality pet food and regular vet check-ups to ensure they remain healthy.

8. Training and Socialization

  • Consistent Training: Establish and stick to a training routine to help the stray understand expected behaviors.
  • Socialization: Expose the stray to various people, places, and other animals gradually to help them become more adaptable and less fearful.

9. Pet Adoption Kit

  • Look into a pet adoption kit to ease the transition for both you and your new furry companion.

Considering adopting a stray? “Why You Should Consider Adopting a Stray Animal as a Pet” elaborates on the benefits of giving a stray animal a forever home.

Whether you’re providing temporary shelter or adopting a stray animal, being prepared is essential to ensure the well-being of the animal and a positive experience. Your kindness and effort in helping stray animals can make a significant difference in the lives of these vulnerable creatures, while also enriching your own life with the benefits of owning a pet.

At Stray Animal Foundation of India (SAFI), we are focused on helping stray animals in India receive the care and support they need. We work tirelessly to restore compassion to India’s relationship with its stray animals and ease the strain on the country’s overburdened shelter network. We do this in many different ways, including providing funding, shelter infrastructure, organizational support, vet care, supplies, guidance, resources, education, manpower, and more.

We rely on charitable contributions to continue the crucial work that we do, and 100% of contributions are deployed in the field. These donations directly affect the number of strays we are able to rescue, treat, and shelter. You can help us make a difference in the lives of India’s animals by donating to our cause today!