We wouldn’t be where we are without help from an amazing cast of volunteers. Find out more about how you can join our team.
Meet few of wonderful volunteers

Umapreethi Santhanakrishnan
Web Developer.
Dec 2020 – Mar 2020.
I have studied B.E in India. After moving to the USA, I started Volunteering as a Web developer while learning web development. As of 2022 December, I m learning Full Stack development and Volunteering as Front End developer for a non-profit organization. I want to improve my skills in web development while learning so I started Volunteering for nonprofits.
Jinnfer Im. UI/UX Designer. Feb 2022 - Apr 2022.
Our non-profit website received a much-needed facelift thanks to the skilled UI/UX design of Ms. Jenifer. She listened to our requirements, grasped our mission, and created a design that perfectly fit what we were going for. We saved around $2000 in the process. Having a great UI/UX designer on our team has helped our nonprofit get a lot of traffic.

Mike Mann, Blog posts. June 2022 - Present.
Hi! My name is Mike and I’m a volunteer. I have gotten everything I’ve wanted out of volunteering with Stray Animal Foundation of India (SAFI). Here’s my story.
I’m a U.S. Air Force veteran with a degree from West Virginia University. I was an interpreter in the military and my degree is in English, so language is my passion. After years of living all over the United States, I returned to Illinois, where I grew up, to take care of my grandmother. Going to the ranch as a kid where my grandmother raised horses instilled my love of animals, which is my second passion. I make a living as a landscaper in Illinois. I enjoy my job, but I have been looking to start a career in writing.
I found SAFI while building my writing portfolio. SAFI was a natural fit. I’d get to work for the welfare of animals. To add to that, India, with its many cultures and long history, is the most fascinating place on earth. I did a bit of research. I watched videos on YouTube and looked at the success stories on the SAFI website. It became clear to me that real positive change was being made in the lives of many animals, not just dogs.
Working with SAFI has been fantastic. I have filled my writing portfolio with content that I’m proud of. I’ve learned a lot about India and its native canines. And I love dogs more than I ever did before. I’ve seen what hardships they can overcome and how happy they can be as part of a human family. What’s more, I work long hours at my day job and don’t have as much time to dedicate to volunteering as I’d like. Still, I’ve been able to contribute to a cause that I care about.
Every volunteer we get means more money we can spend on eradicating rabies, on curbing overpopulation, on caring for injured animals and for the permanent residents of the our sanctuary. Both phases of our website were designed by volunteers. We’ve had grant writers and graphic designers. Because of the people who have made donations of time and skill, we have saved thousands of dollars and we have been able to save more lives.